
Conference on Indoor Air

Conference on Indoor Air

First WHO Europe Conference on Indoor Air Quality

September 20, 2023

11.00 - 15.00

Conference on Indoor Air


The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the importance of ventilation to mitigate the transmission of respiratory disease.

Beyond COVID-19 there is growing awareness that exposure to pollutants in indoor environments has a substantial impact on health, productivity and performance. We need to learn the lessons of the pandemic and build better after COVID-19 for the health of future generations. The focus of the meeting was to consider what is needed at a strategic level to make effective change to improve indoor environments in buildings. We explored the practical challenges and opportunities for understanding and mitigating poor ventilation in the most cost-effective ways.

Conference on Indoor Air

Speaker Presentations

Presentations - Scientific session

Indoor environment as a determinant for health

What do we want to achieve in buildings?

Qualité de l’air dans les bâtiments : que sait-on en 2023 ?

What do we know about the current state of iaq in buildings?

Infection risk and indoor air quality in schools of canton grisons

Eu innovation funding & technology mapping

Presentations - From science to policy

Challenge and opportunity for indoor air: learning from the pandemic

Verbesserung der durchlüftung von gebäuden iaq als bestandteil des nachhaltigen bauens

Compliance through information sharing in belgium

Priorités pour l’amélioration de l’air intérieur en suisse

Conference on Indoor Air


Register for the event

Conference on Indoor Air

Keynote statement by Sir Jeremy Farrar (WHO Chief Scientist)

Conference on Indoor Air

Press article

Breathing Clean: How Improving Indoor Air Quality Can Save Lives and Boost Productivity

Indoor Air Pollution: A Slow Killer in Need of Awareness, Data, and Investment

Dicke Luft in Innenräumen

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Experts Speak at first WHO Europe Indoor Air Conference

Wie Luft krank macht: Saubere Innenraumluft kann Krankheiten verhindern

«L’air intérieur compte souvent plus de polluants que l’air extérieur» Analyse et entretien avec le Prof. Antoine Flahault

Conference on Indoor Air


September 20, 2023

Conference on Indoor Air