
One Health in Humanitarian Settings

Expert Meeting and Workshop: Operationalizing One Health & Planetary Health in Humanitarian Settings

November 1, 2023

–  November 2, 2023
One Health in Humanitarian Settings


The general objective of the expert meeting and workshop was to better understand how One Health and Planetary Health can be used and operationalised by humanitarian actors to improve the health of humans, animals and the environment.

The event brought together humanitarians and researchers to discuss One Health and Planetary Health for the first time.

The two-day workshop and expert meeting brought together 38 experts and practitioners representing 21 organisations (e.g. Doctors without Borders / Médecins sans frontières, Veterinarians without borders / Vétérinaires sans Frontières, Médecins sans frontières, Vétérinaires sans frontières, ActionAid, Médecins du monde, Handicap International / Humanity and Inclusion, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation,  Swiss TPH, etc), and 7 countries (Bangladesh, Uganda, Kenya, Cameroun, Belgium, France, and Switzerland).

One Health in Humanitarian Settings


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One Health in Humanitarian Settings


One Health in Humanitarian Settings


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November 1, 2023

One Health in Humanitarian Settings